Web and Content Operations

Web and Content Operations

To keep your website up-to-date, compliant, and running flawlessly, we bridge software operations, content operations and helpdesk into a comprehensive managed service. 

Our customers can focus on creative, business-oriented, and strategic level tasks while we look into:

  • technical operations - hosting, maintenance, and software development 
  • content operations - proofreading, SEO adjusting, deploying on the web and social media 
  • support of the end-users

What we do in particular:

  • Hosting and maintenance - fast, secure, and reliable 
    • Cloud and on-premise 
    • Performance monitoring and scaling (up and down)
    • Security scan, COTs updates, security monitoring, reacting on security threads
  • Software development and change requests
    • Fast-track standard website and web application changes (new landing pages, layout adjustments, newsletters)
  • Helpdesk - end-user support on the web and social media
    • Handling problems and issues and prioritizing them
    • Multilanguage - English, German and French, plus all other languages through AI translation
  • Content operations - make the website consistent, multilingual, and readable
    • Writing content, preparation of graphics, infographics, video-on-demand 
    • Translate to any language 
    • Proofreading, editing, and adjusting texts to SEO guidelines

How to get started?

Make strategic and creative work the highlight of your marketing team. We will work off ordinary tasks to keep your website consistent, compliant, and working correctly.

It is worth contacting us.

As a team of experts, we build high-scalable, state-of-the-art, and user-friendly web applications for our customers.


How we can help?

Want to hire us or just have a question? Share your email and we will come back to you in 2 days.